Davis Weather Stations

With Davis weather stations, you can easily measure weather where it matters: at your home, business, school, or farm. Davis products are designed to withstand such harsh conditions as extreme heat, icy rain, severe winds, and more.


Weather Stations (Davis Instruments)

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Weather Stations (Davis Instruments) Products List

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Why choose Davis weather stations? They provide high accuracy and reliability. Everyone can choose the right product for their purpose, whether it is a hobbyist who needs a station for weather observation, or if it is someone who needs reliable equipment for business or research.

On Mega Depot, you can easily choose from a wide range of products, including EnviroMonitor gateways, EnviroMonitor nodes, Vantage Pro2 weather stations, and more.

The EnviroMonitor gateway is a perfect option if you need to collect essential data wirelessly from the nodes. The data will be uploaded to the central Internet platform via the mobile phone network.

Nodes are interconnected. Each node is self-contained and solar-powered, it accepts up to 4 wired sensors.

The Vantage Pro2 weather stations offer excellent performance. There are various models with useful features. For example, the Vantage Pro2 weather station (# 6153) provides effective weather monitoring with real-time data updates, outside temperature and humidity sensors in a 24-hour fan-aspirated radiation shield, 22 simultaneous console alarms to warn of severe winds, freezing temperatures, high rain rate, heat index, etc.

We also offer separate components of weather stations, including  AeroCone rain collector cone replacement kits, rain collector tipping spoon replacement kits, and more.